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The power of digital influence – a study about consumer behaviors

11:00 Uhr

In order to understand what or who influences people’s brand and product preferences and decisions as well as what the mechanisms are behind these processes, Kingfluencers – the leading Social Influence Agency – conducted an elaborative consumer study in collaboration with a luxury fashion brand and the SAAS consulting firm deeptrue, that investigated the needs, beliefs, decision-makers, and shopping behavior of consumers in Switzerland in relation to the influence of social media and creators.

In this webinar Yoeri Callebaut and Eric Amstein will provide an exclusive deep dive (before the launch) into the findings of our newest consumer study on digital influence.


60 Minuten


Englisch & Deutsch



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Das wirst du lernen

Swiss Social Media Usage

The webinar will cover the general areas of interest of the Swiss population and provide insights on the frequency and type of social media platform usage among different age groups, and genders.

Inspiration Sources

We will dive into different channel types that serve as sources of inspiration for the general Swiss population and zoom in on those interested in fashion, clothing, or luxury. The frequency of these sources of inspiration may vary among individuals.

Decision Behavior

The Swiss population is not only influenced by channel types that inspire them but also to make a purchase. Influencer product recommendations impact purchasing decision behavior in the Swiss market, making it a key marketing strategy, even more in those interested in fashion, clothing, or luxury.

Consumer-Influencer Relation

People have varying levels of knowledge about the existence of influencers, however, their following behavior is heavily influenced by the influencer landscape and the areas of expertise they’re living in. We’ll also cover the main reasons why Swiss people follow influencers, the perceptions that come with it, and who the top followed influencers among the Swiss population are.


You are a marketing manager, marketing director, CMO, or work in a similar position.
You are self-employed, manage your own company or have your own start-up.
You are a social media or brand manager responsible for influencer collaborations.


You have a basic understanding of marketing and social media.
You are interested in influencer marketing and its influence on users.
You have and will stay at the forefront of and are interested in digitalization and its influence on the Swiss market.

Dein Referent

Yoeri Callebaut, Experte auf

Yoeri Callebaut

Roter Kreis mit weissem ausgefüllten Kreis und X in der Mitte.
CEO @ Kingfluencers
Yoeri Callebaut, CEO von Kingfluencers – der führenden Schweizer Agentur für Digital Influence – und bekannt für seine Spezialisierung auf Strategie und Business Transformation. Er arbeitet seit über 14 Jahren im Marketing- und Strategie-Bereich und ist derzeit in der Förderung von Geschäftswachstums im Bereich der Kreativagenturen tätig, wobei sein Schwerpunkt auf Digital Influence durch authentisches Storytelling liegt. Er ist ein echter ganzheitlicher Marketeer und Weltbürger mit umfassender internationaler Erfahrung und Expertise in strategischem und operativem Marketing, Branding und Business Development.

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Roter Kreis mit weissem ausgefüllten Kreis und X in der Mitte.